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Plumber at Work
Africa Invest Maintenance Team [AIMAT]
"We keep our house in order"
In our drive to be second to none, we created AIMAT (Africa Invest Maintenance Team) today, August 15, 2022, to be responsible for maintenance in all our  businesses affiliated sites and locations across Africa. AIMAT has 3 sub-departments:
1. Building/Location Maintenance-This sub-department will be responsible for all repairs, cleaning, and landscape maintenance in all our
    affiliated sites and locations.
2. Machinery/Equipment Maintenance. This sub-department will ensure that all the Machines and Equipments used by all our affiliated
    businesses are properly maintained at all times.
3. Automobile Maintenance-Responsible for the proper maintenance of all commercial and passenger vehicles of our business affiliates. 
Once Africa Invest Network decides it is investing in a product or service, AIMAT will assume responsibility for all building, store, location, machinery and equipment repair and maintenance, thus freeing our business affiliates to focus on what's important to them: Producing good quality products and services.

To begin, please click on "Investment Seekers", and then click on "Investment seekers-submit business plan".

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