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Distribution Warehouse with High Shelves
Africa Invest Raw Materials And Inventory [AIRMI]
"We get them better, cheaper and faster"
We decided to create Africa Invest Raw Materials and Inventory [AIRMI] department today, August 18, 2022, to be responsible for all inventory and supplies to all our affiliates. This department will research, develop and purchase inventories and supplies for our affiliates, or manufacture our own, or bid and place orders for raw materials and supplies we can't produce, thus freeing business owners and managers to focus on managing their respective businesses. Because we have a large pool of business affiliates, AIRMI will be able to negotiate far better prices for raw materials and inventory than if the individual businesses were doing this themselves. AIRMI will have 2 divisions:
1. Inventory and raw material purchases and supplies- Responsible for purchasing and stocking inventory warehouses of all our affiliates.
2. Raw materials manufacture-Responsible for developing and manufacturing every raw material we can't find or is too expensive but is
    needed for our products. 

To begin, please click on "Investment Seekers", and then click on "Investment seekers-submit business plan".

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